Uncharted 4 WalkthroughOr, if you get stuck in a particular area, here's our full Uncharted 4 walkthrough broken down by chapter. It's okay! Some of these are really tricky. All Uncharted 4 Puzzle Solutions - If you get stuck on one of Uncharted 4's many puzzles, you'll find the solution here.Getting all of them unlocks the Lost Art of Journaling trophy. Journal Entries Guide - There are 25 journal entries in Uncharted 4, which are unlocked by interacting with objects in the environment as well as through optional conversations.The Nathan Drake Collection features the original three games. Ported by Bluepoint Games, the collection was released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 on Octoin Europe and October 9th, 2015 in North America.

Journal Notes Guide - Find all 23 of the journal notes and you'll get the Lost History trophy. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is a remastered compilation of the action-adventure shooter platform video games Drake's Fortune, Among Thieves, and Drake's Deception.Optional Conversations Guide - Listening to all 36 of Uncharted 4's optional conversations will unlock the Gift of Gab trophy.Easter Eggs and Secrets Guide - Uncharted 4 has hidden references to other Naughty Dog games like The Last of Us and Crash Bandicoot, as well as nods to Monkey Island and Papers, Please.

If you're well-versed in Uncharted, there are just as many good excuses to revisit A Thief's End: maybe you want to find all the treasures you missed or get that Platinum trophy, or maybe you upgraded to a PS4 Pro and a new TV and you want to see that Naughty Dog level of polish in gorgeous 4K HDR - either way, Uncharted 4 is a hell of a fun way to kill at least fifteen hours. There's a very good reason we gave it such a glowing review. Mechanically, it's a mix of third-person shooting, platforming, massive cinematic set-pieces, and collecting lots of treasures and hidden items, discovering secrets, and solving some really satisfying puzzles. It's a globe-trotting Indiana Jones-esque adventure, starring treasure hunter Nathan Drake. If you've never played an Uncharted game, it's fairly easy to make sense of what's going on.
This Uncharted 4: A Thief's End guide is a resource for players who may be playing it for free this month on PlayStation Plus! It's a phenomenal game, whether you're playing for the first time, or replaying it while stuck inside lamenting the delay of The Last of Us Part II.